The adrenal medulla is responsible for producing hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. An adrenal medulla tumor is the result of abnormal, uncontrolled growth of the cells that produce these hormones. These tumors may go undetected for a long time and clinical signs may be subtle. These signs could include weakness, excessive panting and restlessness, newly noted anxiety, and an increase in drinking and urination. The biggest concern with these tumors is their ability to continue to grow and invade local tissues, which can make surgical removal difficult or impossible.
The determination and wiry coat hark back to terrier breeds, with a sprinkle of flat-nosed breeds, giving them their distinct expression. The Affenpinscher originally called the Miniature Pinscher his litter-brother, with both often born in the same litter. These were often scrappy little farm dogs, helping to keep the farmsteads free of rodents.
The Afghan Hound has glamorous good looks that belie his grit and stamina. This ancient breed runs swiftly, is relatively independent and gives affection only to those who have earned it.
Afoxolaner is a chewable tablet used to treat and prevent flea and tick infestations in dogs. It has also been used off-label to treat certain types of mange and mites. Give as directed by your veterinarian. Side effects are uncommon but may include stomach upset or neurologic symptoms. Do not use in pets with a history of seizures. If a negative reaction occurs, please call the veterinary office.
Afoxolaner/moxidectin/pyrantel (brand name Nexgard Plus) is a prescription combination parasiticide used in dogs. It is labeled for use as a preventative for heartworm caused by Dirofilaria immitis in dogs; to treat and control tick infestations in dogs caused by black-legged ticks, brown dog ticks, American dog ticks, and lone star ticks; to treat and control adult roundworm and hookworm infections in dogs; to kill adult fleas on dogs and to treat and prevent flea infestations.
Aggression may be defined as any threatening or harmful behavior directed toward another individual or group. There are many causes of aggression in dogs, including underlying illness, pain, fear, anxiety and frustration. Aggression at any age and any level should be discussed with your veterinarian.
Territorial behavior is a normal canine behavior, though territorial aggression can result in injury to a person or animal. Many dogs that exhibit territorial aggression have an underlying fear or frustration that contributes to their level of arousal. Territorial aggression may be preventable if recognized and addressed early.
An agility trial is a competitive canine sporting event where dogs of various breeds navigate obstacles and are judged on speed and accuracy. Agility training can be a fun activity with many benefits for you and your dog.
Behavior Counseling: Aggression - Introduction
La agresividad se define como una amenaza o acción lesiva dirigida hacia otro individuo. En animales, las conductas agresivas son un medio de comunicación.
Cat Behavior Problems: Aggression Redirected
La agresividad en los gatos puede ser un problema serio y peligroso para los propietarios. Hay muchas razones por las que los gatos pueden ser agresivos: un buen diagnóstico ayuda a emitir un pronóstico y un plan de tratamiento adecuados.