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Pet Health Library

Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Therapeutic ultrasound a treatment method that applies thermal, mechanical, and chemical effects to tissues to improve healing. It can be used to increase the stretch in fibrous tissues (such as tendons), which can help increase range of motion around a joint. Therapeutic ultrasound can also be used to soften and break down scar tissue that is interfering with movement. By deep heating the tissues, therapeutic ultrasound increases blood flow to the inflamed areas, which can help reduce inflammation and swelling. Therapeutic ultrasound can also decrease pain and muscle spasms, as well as speed up wound healing.

  • The Tibetan Mastiff has been a guardian for centuries, and she remains territorial, independent, and strong willed. While devoted and gentle to her family, her sheer size can topple a youngster.

  • The Tibetan Spaniel is a lovely dog, both charming and fascinating. The Tibetan Spaniel has the intriguing quality of being a quiet dog - until, that is, he discovers someone with whom he's not familiar. This small breed's beauty lies in his full-size confidence.

  • The adaptable, affable Tibetan Terrier is a great choice for the dog owner whose idea of exercise is a walk around the block. Although the long coat can be challenging to care for, it is well worth the effort when admirers stop during a stroll to ooh and ahh over this dog.

  • Ringworm in Cats

    Tiña es el nombre común que se le dá a una infección fúngica en las capas más superficiales de la piel, pelo y uñas. En la gente infectada las lesiones presentan una lesión redonda, roja, delimitada por unos bordes elevados a causa de la inflamación.

  • Helping your pet lose weight may be challenging at first, but with a little patience and persistence, you can be successful. Research has shown that small amounts of weight loss help improve the quality of life for overweight pets: they feel better, move easier, play more often, and live healthier lives. This handout focuses on commonly asked questions and tips for owners to help their overweight pet successfully achieve some weight loss.

  • Toxoplasma occurs worldwide. However, infection is uncommon in pet cats that do little or no hunting and primarily or exclusively eat commercial cat foods. Despite the high number of cats infected with T. gondii, very few show significant clinical signs. Humans are most commonly infected by eating contaminated food. Most people infected with this organism do not develop clinical disease. However, infection during pregnancy may be transmitted to the fetus and sometimes cause severe damage. Many pet cats will never be exposed to Toxoplasma and, therefore, cannot pass the infection on to humans.

  • Toxoplasmosis

    La toxoplasmosis es una enfermedad causada por la infección de un microorganismo llamado Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). Es un microorganismo unicelular protozoo relacionado con los coccidios.

  • Toy Fox Terriers love to curl up in a lap, but can be up and running when a bird flies by the window. They're curious, always wanting to know what's going on and to be part of the action.

  • Teaching a dog to come when called is perhaps the most important behavior we ever teach. You can train a reliable recall using positive reinforcement and it can be incorporated into daily play time. Puppies should be set up to succeed by having training challenges, such as distractions, added gradually. Until a recall is reliable, puppies should be held on leash when they are not in a secure, fenced area.