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Pet Health Library

Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Periodontal disease is the most common problem affecting cats of all age groups. The importance of daily dental home care cannot be overemphasized. Nutrition can contribute to preventing periodontal disease and gingivitis.

  • Online shopping for convenience and great prices has quickly become the new normal in today's consumerism society. Although technology may help us be savvy shoppers, it's still good to be cautious about what you purchase online, especially when it comes to your pet's medications.

  • The aristocratic but playfully affectionate Cavalier King Charles Spaniel looks like he leapt straight out of a Renaissance painting. Sweet and docile, cuddly and adaptable, Cavaliers can be anything you want them to be.

  • Brushing Your Cat's Teeth

    Enseñar a su gato a aceptar que se cepille los dientes puede llevar cierto entrenamiento, pero se convertirá en algo sencillo una vez se acostumbre al proceso. El lavado de dientes diario es lo ideal, pero si sus horarios no le permiten hacerlo cada día, un cepillado de dos veces al día es aceptable.

  • Brushing Your Dog's Teeth

    ¿Por qué debería cepillar los dientes a mi perro? Se estima que alrededor de 2/3 de los perros con una media de tres años tienen periodontitis, una inflamación o infección del tejido alrededor del diente. La enfermedad periodontal empieza con una gingivitis y progresa hasta afectar a la raíz del diente. Si no se trata a tiempo, la enfermedad periodontal puede llevar a una pérdida del diente.

  • A cesarean section is a surgery to remove kittens from the uterus and is most commonly performed as an emergency procedure when there is difficulty with natural birth. During the immediate recovery period, the mother and kittens must be closely monitored and begin eating/nursing within a few hours. If you have any concerns about their health, you should immediately have your veterinarian examine the kittens and their mother.

  • If you're looking for an excellent companion you can take almost anywhere, the Cesky Terrier might be for you. They are playful and sporty, yet calm, sweet, loyal and obedient.

  • The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is truly an American dog, developed for the dedicated hunter, come fair weather or foul. Chessies love water sports including boating, swimming, retrieving, and dock diving.

  • The smallest member of the dog world, the Chihuahua has a giant personality to make up for his tiny size. Bright, alert and a little bit saucy, the companionable Chi wants to be with you, perched on your shoulder, resting in the crook of your arm, or carried in your purse.

  • Chin acne in cats is a poorly understood disorder of follicular keratinization (the overproduction of keratin, a protein found in the outer layer of skin). If this excess keratin is trapped in the hair follicle, comedones (blackheads) form. Pustules (pimples) may form if bacteria infect the comedones. The underlying causes are not fully understood but may be associated with excess sebum production, viral infection, immunosuppression, stress, or poor grooming. Treatment options are available and often involve improved hygiene.